Monday, March 31, 2014

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.....or not

Hello!  Let me start by apologizing for hiding out for the past month or so.  In all honesty it was my failed attempt to hide my lack of faithfulness to my working out and eating right.  Some people say that absence makes the heart grow fonder but in this case it made me just want to keep hiding out.  The last time I posted on here I was explaining how stressed out I was about working two jobs and trying to get my exercise in and eat right and whine whine whine whine whine.  Well, since then I have quit my second job and have gone back to working just one.  And it is GREAT!!!!  I feel like I have so much more time....because....I DO!  After I put in my two weeks notice I mapped out a plan to start working out more and train for my 10K coming up at the end of May.  There are 10 weeks...well 9 now...till the River Run.  Funny because there are also 10 weeks in the T25 program....and also....10 weeks until my vacation to NASHVILLE!  Coincidence?  I think not!  So...I bought a $1 calendar and started mapping out a training program for the end of March through the end of April!  I have my 5 days a week of T25, running, and biking all included in that.  And thankfully I have some great friends and roommates who are asking me how its coming along each day....I need people to keep me in check or I go off the grid like I did before.  I am not aiming for any set weight loss or inch loss at all, but rather I am aiming to get in shape for this 10K.  Last week I completed week 1 of my training.  I didn't get everything done on every single day but I did get all of my runs in, and all 5 days of T25...I consider that a success!  However, my failure would be in really focusing on my eating last week.  That was not so great!  So I have made it a priority this week to get back with tracking weight watchers again.  I have been so bad about that! was a new day and so far I have tracked everything I have eaten.  I am getting back on track with this!  I haven't tracked weight in a few weeks, nor have I tracked inches, but this Thursday is going to be track day so...check back later for those stats.  

On another note, I came home sometime a couple weeks ago and thought to myself, "I am so glad I am not married, my husband would be so grossed out by the way my house is right now."  For those of you who know me, you know that I have a strong desire to be a stay at home wife and mom some day.  Now....that may not be what the Lord has planned for me but, I do have that desire.  So I consider keeping my house clean and orderly something that I should be working now in my singleness if I want to be able to do that later on in life for my husband.  Some of you may think that I am stuck in the 1950's mindset but you know what?  That's ok.  I totally want to be the wife that has dinner waiting for her husband when he comes home, and the house kept up so that we can open our home up to guests at a moments notice.  That's just how I am.  So with that being said, along with buying a $1 calendar for my workout schedule....I bought a $1 calendar for my cleaning schedule as well.  After talking with some friends on their schedules and looking at some schedules on pinterest, I have formed a plan of tackling a room each day.  I may not deep clean that room each week but at least I will be keeping it up.  It also keeps me from becoming overwhelmed with cleaning when I know we are going to have company over.  I only schedule one week at a time so that way I can plan out my days and rooms according to what my work schedule is like.  If I am going to have a long day I can't have a room with a lot of things that have to be done.  This is the first week that I have started this so I will definitely keep you all informed on the progress of this.  

Well, I better close for now but I will definitely be back here soon!  Have a great night!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Slump Week

Well hello there.  I'm sure that you can tell by the title of this post that this week was not a great one.  Have you ever had one of those weeks that you feel like you were making a conscious effort to do better and yet saw no results of that effort?  That was my week.  I felt like I made a conscious effort to eat better and workout and even started running.  Yet, when I got on the scale and took out the measuring tape, no results.  I understand part of that is probably me retaining water but dang, it discouraged me big time!  I feel like ever since I weighed in and measured on Thursday, I have been dragging. My focus has been totally off!  I know that that is not the correct response to this but it is totally what happened.  I have also been super stressed at work lately and that didn't help either.  I have even been contemplating making some changes in the two jobs department, and when I start to think about going back to one job, I can't help but be excited about all the time that I will have!  I realized this past week that I don't cook much anymore.  I don't even have a desire to cook anymore.  This is crazy!  I love to cook!  I love taking my time, trying new recipes, cooking for other people.  But lately that has not been the case.  I find myself wanting to spend my rare free nights just doing nothing!  That is awful!  And really not productive at all!  I have also noticed that my house has been getting dirtier because I haven't spent time really keeping it up.  I know this may come across as "feel sorry for me that I took on another job to try and get myself out of debt that I put myself into" but it's not that at all.  I have been working really hard to get my debt paid off and I am seeing the fruits of that.  And I really feel like the Lord is showing me that I am taking on too much right now.  The reason I say this is because this past week I found myself wanting to stay home and not do anything instead of being a part of a Bible study and a meeting at church.  Now, before anyone freaks out and explains how awful that is, I know.  I haven't been able to be a part of a Bible study for a couple years now due to me working second shift.  And now I have this great lady at church that wants to meet and do a one-on-one study with me!  Can you believe that?!  She is a mother of 3 young kids and yet wants to take some of her personal time out of her week and spend it encouraging and teaching me!   And yet here I am thinking that I am tired.  I felt like the Lord just really opened my eyes this week to show me where I am placing my importance.  I have been placing more attention on my financial state and not my spiritual state.  With that being said....there are going to be some big changes in the near future so STAY TUNED!  I will place my disappointing weight loss chart here at the bottom of this post.  I really don't want to but, I promised to be honest so....I will. 

Initial Weight



Right Thigh

Right Arm

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Difference from Starting