Sunday, February 23, 2014

Keeping at it!

Ok so this is week two of tracking!  I have to say, to those of you who text me and told me how excited for me you are and how encouraged you were by my last post...thank you!  It really means a lot to know there are people out there reading this and encouraging me like that!  You are greatly appreciated!

Now on to this week!  This week was great in some areas, good in others, and poor in a particular one.  Let's start with the bad because I need to get it out and let's be honest....I need to be encouraged after I am discouraged.  So here it is....reading the Word this week was not very good.  I was doing really good with staying consistent and then this week just went downhill.  Crazy thing is....I could see how much it affected my attitude too!  My attitude at work, my thoughts towards other people, and I always see how when I'm not in the Word my focus tends to be more on myself.  So this week is going to be different.  I am super thankful for the accountability here on this blog because I know that this next week I am going to be sharing how I did the previous week!  So here is the plan for that...I am going to set aside a specific time to just spend time in the Word and in prayer.  As weird as this sounds....I got this prayer journal app that is wonderful!  It's called PrayerNotes.  I put it on my iPad and I'm able to list people and particular prayer requests for that person.  I love it!  So...there is the plan for next week to tackle being more disciplined in the Word.

Now for the great area!  I paid off another credit card this week!!  WHOO HOO!!!!!  That is two down and two to go!  I am so excited because I see the end!  I have developed a plan to get my next two paid off by the end of April!!  So great! Then I will still have the month of May at my second job to save up some money for house repairs or to pay off my car!  I can't even tell you excited I am by this!  And let me just tell you about my parents.  They have been so supportive and encouraging through all of this.  They have given me great advice and guidance in how to go about tackling this debt....LOVE THEM!  I don't know about y'all but I don't know what I would do without them.  They have made such an impact in my life.  I find that as I am getting older I am really enjoying the times that I just get to hang out with them.  A couple weeks ago I went back to Hutch and just spent Saturday night eating dinner with them and watching the WSU basketball game....doesn't seem exciting but it was just nice getting to spend time with them.  Ok...enough rambling about the rents.

Now for the good news....another weight loss this week....and it was a little more than last week!  It isn't much more due to poor eating the week before....but a loss is still a loss so I am going to choose to be excited about this.  I will place my tracking chart below this post.  My goal for better weight and inch loss this next week is to be more faithful to do T25, eat better, and get outside more with Riggins.   Speaking of getting outside more with Riggins, yesterday we ran a mile in 11 min and 15 seconds.  Today we ran a mile in 10 min and 25 seconds!!!!  We shaved almost a whole minute off my mile time!  Things like this are what keep me wanting to work out and work hard.  So we will just have to wait and see what next week brings as far as inches and weight loss!

Now....for those of you that are around me often, you probably heard this traumatic story earlier this week.  For those of you who don't....get ready for some comical relief.   Last Thursday I was getting ready to go run some errands and decided to take my dog Riggins with me.  It was a rainy cold morning so I decided to stop by Starbucks.  As I am waiting in the drive-thru with for my drink, my dog all of a sudden jumps into the front seat with me and starts trying to get in my lap.  This was so odd to me until I actually looked at him.  He was standing in his POOP STANCE!!!!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!  My dog is trying to poop on me!  Of course, I start to panic and push him off of me and thankfully I did because right after I get him off of me....he starts pooping in the the front seat!  Not in the back where he had tons of room and was a away from me, but in the FRONT SEAT! I can't even tell you what is going through my mind at this point because I couldn't even believe that what was happening was really happening!  My dog not only just pooped in my car....but was trying to poop on me!  So...the cars ahead of me start pulling forward so I grab ahold of his collar because of course he has stepped in the poop and I don't want him jumping in the back seat and spreading it all over my car.  I can't even imagine what the Starbucks lady is thinking when I pull up because I am holding my dog and it smells so bad because...its fresh poop.  So my plan of running errands turned into driving back home with one hand on the wheel, one hand holding my dog, windows down, and doing all of this in the cold rain.  At the was not funny.  But after the twenty minutes of cloroxing my car and cleaning up my dog....I started to appreciate the humor in the situation.  I called my mom to tell her what just happened and found myself crying I was laughing so hard.  I dog has already peed on my while I was lying in bed and now he just tried to poop on me!  What's next?  Is he going to throw up on me too?  Is there any other form of marking his territory that he can do to me?!  Maybe I should just look at it as he loves me so much he just wants everyone to know that I am his mom and no one elses....hahahahahah.  Even though he does stuff like this....I still love him!  I'm sure you people with pets and children can understand!   

Well I hope you got some enjoyment out of that!  Below is my weight loss inch loss progress!  Have a great week!

Initial Weight
Right Thigh
Right Arm
Week 1
Week 2
Difference from Starting

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